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Having the necessary and accessible food storage essentials is a must should any natural catastrophe, civil unrest or even a loss of job befall you, your family or community.  Considerations must be made for necessities such as food, water, shelter, fire/heat, cloting, medical supplies, etc.  Certain luxuries will just have to be done without in most cases such as air conditioning, tv and internet.

When disasters happen, the unprepared make a mad dash to the local convenience stores, WalMart’s and anywhere else that stocks food and supplies.  Even if you are able to get there before the shelves have been picked clean, the “non-preppers” may become somewhat hostile and be willing to throw some shoves or punches to try to get the essentials.  We’ve all seen and heard stories of how angry and childish people can become even in Black Friday sales for Christmas presents.  How nice would it be to just sit back at home knowing that you are prepared and you and your family can survive off of your food storage for 3 months or a year?

We suggest:


Whether people would become hostile enough to start breaking into occupied or non-occupied houses or not, it’s best to have a plan in place which may include relocating to a bug out shelter.  Whether you “bug out” in your basement, a cabin, the mountains, an army truck, a secret cave or wherever you will want to have your emergency supply already there or with you.  You should have a variety of food so that you don’t get burnt out right away.  Having a variety of entrees, breakfast meals, fruits, vegetables, cereals, desserts, dehydrated dairies, and beverages will make a world of difference.  Most of these dehydrated and freeze-dried foods require water to consume so make sure that you store plenty of H2O.  Depending on how long it sits you may have to boil it before drinking.

Start prepping now as you never know when it’s your turn to play survivalist.

Mike Murphy

Author Mike Murphy

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